The curly cutting technique is a revolutionary method for cutting curly hair whereas most traditional hair cutting techniques were created for straight hair.
The advantage of dry cuts is that it's customized to work with your unique curl pattern. This curl exclusive cut requires special training to learn the technique. The hair is cut dry, simply because we wear our hair dry not wet. Curly hair and it's spring factor can be misinterpreted while wet- that's why we cut the hair in its natural form, while dry, curl by curl. This unique innovation allows the stylist to sculpt each client's hair, according to their individual curl, look, and style.
Antonio Berducci is a thoroughly trained curly architect and hydration specialist that offers a range of services that nurtures your senses and spirit as well as your hair. Antonio will train you in the fundamentals of daily hair care and styling, encouraging and supporting you to embrace and enjoy the authentic quality of your natural hair every day. Two of the many trademarks for which Antonio is trained in, is the highly-acclaimed curly cutting techniques as well as award-winning hair painting technique, Pintura. The visual impact of these artistic expressions is a three-dimensional work of art.
Embracing your curls begins with a proven three-step hair care technique.
That's the curly 3-Step! No matter your curl type: S'wavy, Wavy, Botticelli, or Corkscrew, doing the 3-Step guarantees naturally gorgeous and frizz free, manageable curls.
By nature, curly hair tends to be dry. Without sufficient moisture, curls become dehydrated, resulting in frizz. The combination of products to provide curls with the ideal balance of conditioning, moisturization, and definition.